About Synesthesia

In our world, all of the senses are interconnected. Even more so in the realm of synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon which Aja (the “A” in TSoA) and many others experience, and in which TSoA’s luxury merchandise is rooted.

“You touch chenille and taste cherries. You see a disco ball and hear children laughing. You listen to a song and smell campfire,” she explains. 

“These experiences go much deeper than pure association. They’re enveloping. You are eating the cherries. You are next to the children. You are in the woods!”

Here's a fun illustration of Aja's synesthesia in action: While Hugo holds up some of his favorite bossa nova albums, Aja responds with how they look, feel, taste or smell to her.

TSoA’s creations simulate or illustrate Aja’s experiences for non-synesthetes, exploring the concept of sensory cross-wiring and enhancing our appreciation of all of our sensations.

Our launch offering is a series of limited-edition candles based on specific fragrances inspired by the songs we record and release. Each candle contains aromatic approximations of what Aja senses when hearing or performing that song. The first, appropriate to the season, is “I Will Not Take These Things for Granted,” and new song-candles will be released monthly.

We hope you enjoy this example of the world Aja inhabits every day!